What’s In A Name?

Choosing a name for my practice wasn’t just about finding something unique—it was about capturing the heart of the journey my clients take.

Slate is strong, unshakable, and foundational—just like the families I serve. Pregnancy and birth require incredible strength, trust, and resilience, and every person who steps into midwifery care is building their own solid foundation for the journey ahead.

Bloom represents transformation. Bringing new life into the world changes everything—hearts expand, families grow, and the world shifts in beautiful, unexpected ways. No two blooms are alike, just as no two births are the same, but each one is deeply meaningful.

But strength and growth don’t happen alone. Midwifery care is built on mutual trust. My role is to walk beside you, offering wisdom, reassurance, and support through every stage.

At Slate & Bloom, I honor both the strength and the transformation of every family. This journey is yours—I’m here to walk it with you.

The Cost of Care

My fee is $6,250, which covers personalized care throughout your journey, including basic labs, prenatal visits, the birth itself, postpartum, and newborn care. Additional fees may apply for services such as additional labs, sonograms, Rhogam, or unscheduled appointments on weekends or after hours.

While I do not work directly with insurance companies, I am contracted with a professional midwifery biller who can assist with insurance verification, gap exceptions, and filing for reimbursement after birth, for a small fee.

As a thank you for their service, I offer a discount for first responders and military personnel.

For fees for services beyond what is discussed here, please feel free to reach out. I’m happy to provide further clarity and answer any questions you may have.


What is a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)?

A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is the only credential requiring knowledge and experience in out-of-hospital settings. A CPM is a knowledgeable, skilled, and professional independent midwifery practitioner who has met the standards for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives and is qualified to provide the Midwives Model of Care. Additionally, CPMs have training in holistic health modalities such as nutrition and herbs. CPMs work to promote a healthy pregnancy, birth, and postpartum through education and encouraging families to make informed decisions about their care.​ Additionally, I hold a Texas midwifery license (LM).

Are Doulas and Midwives the same thing?


A midwife is a trained healthcare professional who provides medical care during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Midwives can perform prenatal checkups, monitor the baby’s health, manage complications, and handle emergencies. They also carry medications and file birth certificates.

A doula is a non-medical support person who provides physical, emotional, and informational support before, during, and after birth. Doulas help with comfort measures, advocacy, and education but do not perform medical procedures or provide clinical care.

I highly recommend the support of a doula for all families and require it for first-time parents or those new to unmedicated birth to ensure the best possible care and experience

Will I get a sonogram or lab work?

Yes! I am able to order both sonograms and lab work.

How soon will I be seen?

I typically schedule the initial appointment around 8 weeks of pregnancy. At this visit, we’ll establish care, order lab work, and schedule a dating ultrasound if needed. Please note that it’s often too early to hear baby’s heartbeat at this time. I take a limited number of clients each month based on due dates and can accept someone into care at any gestation if I have space, provided they’ve had prenatal care before 28 weeks and we’re able to obtain their records.

What happens in an emergency?

I am fully trained and equipped to respond. I carry emergency medications and neonatal resuscitation equipment. Most situations can be managed safely, however, if a higher level of care is needed, I will stabilize and arrange a smooth transfer.

Can I use a midwife if I have had a C-Section?

Yes, I attend VBACs. However, we will review your specific history to determine if an out-of-hospital birth is a safe option for you. My goal is to support a safe and informed decision for both you and your baby.

Do you provide circumcision?

I respect each family’s choice regarding circumcision. For those who opt for this procedure, I refer to a certified Jewish mohel. Families do not need to be of the Jewish faith to access his services.

“From the very first meeting, I felt understood.”

— Jennifer, Client

Meet The Midwife